Descendants of George and Nan Housser

2005 Family Reunion


Beynon Housser

Harry Housser Family

Nancy Atkinson family

Geoffrey Housser

David Housser family

Trevor Housser family

Doo Diether family

George Elliott Housser

Nan Kennedy Housser

Nan Kennedy sailing in English Bay

GEH at Cornell

Ghandi titled this "Idiot Boy"

Ghandi is the "Duke" - 2nd from right

Cornell - "the morning after"

George and Nan - wedding day

June 1925 - Seattle

Returning after 2 1/2 months - 1925

Doo's 1st day of school

Dorothy Fee Housser

George and Dorothy

An invitation to meet Phyllis

George & Phyllis - 1964

Le Chef

Getting Auntie tiddly

Harry teases Auntie Dawe

One of Ghandi's birthday gatherings

A truly great gathering because Bob was there!